Services covered by most extended benefit plans. Call your provider for more info.

Policies & Fees

Are fees covered by OHIP?

Psychotherapy and Social Work are regulated health professions in Canada, but unfortunately these private services are not covered under provincial health insurance plans. However, the majority of extended health benefits/employer benefits do cover psychotherapy and social work services (typically in your health and dental insurance package). You’re encouraged to speak with your insurance provider about counselling services provided by a registered social worker and psychotherapist to determine your eligibility and approved rates of coverage. Also, as of 2012, psychotherapy services provided by registered social workers are now recognized by Revenue Canada as eligible medical expenses that you can claim on your income tax. Please consult your tax specialist for further information.

What are the fees for services?

50 Minute

Individual Sessions

Founder & Clinic Director Aisha Applewhaite $200


Social Worker-$150

Psychotherapy Intern-$100

75 Minute

Individual Sessions

Founder & Clinic Director Aisha Applewhaite $300


Social Worker-$225

Psychotherapy Intern -$150

50 Minute

Couple / Family Sessions

Founder & Clinic Director Aisha Applewhaite $220


Social Worker-$170

Psychotherapy Intern $150

75 Minute

Couple / Family Sessions

Founder & Clinic Director Aisha Applewhaite $330


Social Worker-$255

Psychotherapy Intern $225

Group Sessions

Fees for group session, workshops and intensive retreats vary depending on length,location and content.

Fees are payable at the beginning or end of each session, unless we make other arrangements. Requests for additional documentation or reports are charged at the usual hourly rate, prorated to 15 minute increments. Sliding Scale is offered for students and those in need of such an adjustment.

 Please check the extent of your coverage with your insurance company. Payment can be deferred for up to a month until you receive your reimbursement. It is understood that you will be responsible for any outstanding fees that may not be covered by your insurance. This is an important consideration as many insurance companies cap the amount for which you are eligible. In order to keep fees relatively low, communication and payment receipt from your insurance company is your responsibility. If you hope to be reimbursed by them, please ensure that you are covered for psychotherapy or counselingcounselling that is delivered by a social worker with a master’s degree.


Your confidentiality and privacy is important. Records of your appointments are kept per best practice guidelines. These records are locked securely and are released only to persons or service providers that you identify in a written consent form. Your records will not be released without your written consent unless they are subpoenaed by court. You have the right to be given a copy of your records, and in such circumstances you will sign a form indicating that you have received these records and assume responsibility for the manner in which these copies will be used. 

Your confidentiality may be broken in certain circumstances which could include: when there is a risk that you may cause physical harm to another person, you are at high risk of ending your life, or there are reasons to suspect child abuse. Breaking confidentiality in these circumstances is mandated and the sharing of information in the above circumstances is limited to what is necessary in order to ensure safety.  A full discussion about confidentiality will occur in your session.

Crisis and Emergencies

Canadian Psychotherapy Alliance (CPA) and its affiliates are not an emergency service. Please contact 911 or attend your nearest Emergency Department if you are experiencing an emergency. At the same time, CPA therapists will work with you to identify challenges and difficulties, and to develop crisis plans that would assist us with prevention of such emergencies.

 If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide and feel unable to keep yourself safe, call 911 now. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide and feel you can keep yourself safe, CPA can create a safety plan with you, which may include partnering with a close person in your life. In such instances, conducting at least one joint appointment so that this person can have a better understanding of what type of assistance works the best for you and what is expected of them is recommended. Additionally, open communication with your doctor to ensure a well coordinated approach to your circle of care, while in therapy, is also recommended.


If you need to cancel an appointment, please provide 48-hour notice. Providing less than 48 hours notice will result in the full session fee, due at the next session.